Saterdag 09 Maart 2013

AND THIS IS MY FAV VIDEO OF ALL I mean yeah, they just have 2 video lol-_- Well checkitout!
I really love him. I love his dance, his smooth and sexy dance. I'm often melted by his dance and face~

Ranz Biography

Ranz kyle Viniel Evidente Ongsee born in 6 May 1997. Ranz Kyle started to have interest in dancing when he was 9 years old. He saw the dance group "Jabbawokeez" perform on tv. He was amazed that they were mostly Filipinos. Ranz got inspired. So he pursued and taught himself to dance by watching youtube videos. He would do this on his free time, giving his all. His parents saw his passion for it and enrolled him in a workshop. It gave him the confidence to continue and pursue his dreams. Then he started uploading videos on youtube. Shot and edited the videos himself. Again, giving his all. Before he knew it, people were asking for more videos. Then he met and joined the dance group "Chicser" at Aquinas School.